Build the ultimate blackout window and block even more light with Eclipse hardware collection. Offering a variety of decorative rods, wrap rods and tension rods to complement your window curtains.
Eclipse Wrap Rod
Block EVEN MORE Light with the Eclipse Wrap rods which allow the curtain to fully wrap around the window frame, blocking extra light and drafts from the sides of your window frame.
Eclipse Pipe Rod
The Eclipse Pipe Rod, combing a modern and industrial design aesthetic with functionality. It allows you to block even more light but allowing your curtains to full wrap around the window frame.
Eclipse Tension Rod
The Eclipse Tension Rod offers a hassle-free solution for hanging drapes and curtains without the need for tools or drilling holes into trim or walls.

Block EVEN MORE Light
Wrap rods allow the curtain to wrap around to the window frame, blocking the extra light.

Reduce EVEN MORE Noise
Wrap rods help your panel fully cover your window reducing the amount of outside noise.

Save EVEN MORE Energy
Wrap rods help block drafts that come in from the side of your window frames.

Easy to Install
It’s easy to install above with helpful installation manual as well as mounting materials.